Green Tea Absolute Oil

  • 10 Review(s)
Product Code :KAO-15
Botanical Name :Thea Sinensis L.
Plant Part :Leaves
Country of Origin :France
Blends Well With :Anise star eo and co2; arnica abs; artemisia oils; orange blossom abs; nutmeg eo, rosa bourbonia abs; ylang eo, co2 and abs; verbena
Color & Odor :Amber viscous liquid with herbal odor
Method of Extraction :Woman During Their Pregnancy Phase Should Seek Proper Medical Advice From An Expert Before Using This Absolute.
Weight & Rate :                  
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The Green Tea Absolute is extracted from the fresh leaves of the Camellia Sinensis plant which is used to make green tea. Camellia sinensis is an evergreen shrub that is native to East Asia but now it is widely cultivated around the world in tropical and subtropical regions of China, Japan, and India. This tree belongs to Theaceae botanical family. The leaves of tea plants contain the content of caffeine. The tree of green tea has yellow-white flowers & has a 2.5-4cm diameter. The leaves of green tee trees are 4-15 cm long and 2-5cm broad. This tree has a strong taproot and it is usually trimmed to 6.6ft when cultivated. The new leaves of the tree are light green whereas the old ones are dark green. These different leaf ages produce different qualities of tea worldwide. Apart from making tea using Green Tea leaves, it is extensively used in making world-class absolute oil.

To extract the absolute oil from Green Tea leaves, the method of Solvent extraction opts for. The fresh leaves are used to obtain the oil and the leaves are hand-picked every one or two weeks. The leaves are circulated in a steamed chamber which then releases vaporized oil then passes to a condensation chamber. Then the oil forms a film over the condensed steam and then the oil is transferred. This is how the oil is extracted from the tea leaves. Green tea Absolute oil is an amber-colored liquid and has a Soft, light & herbaceous aroma. This is a solution that is only soluble in alcohol. The use of Green Tea Oil is pre-historic. In southern China, Green tea oil is used in cooking oil for over 1000 years.

They believe in the fact that it controls the cholesterol level in the body and keeps the digestive system healthy. It has a proven fact that it boosts the immune system and helps the body in fighting against several diseases. It also reduces the risk of diabetes in the human body. To avail themselves of these benefits, Ancient Chinese & Modern Chinese has been using Green Teas Absolute oil in cooking. Australians consider this oil as a Therapy Oil and they have been using this use for treatments for a long period. In World War II, it is used by every soldier to treat his or her infected wounds and injuries. The chemical composition of green tea is complicated. Green Tea contains proteins, whose enzymes form an important part, It also contains amino acids such as theanine, glutamic acid, glycine, serine, tryptophan, aspartic acid, tyrosine, valine, leucine, arginine, threonine, and lysine, carbohydrates such as cellulose, glucose, fructose, pectins and sucrose, minerals and trace elements such as calcium, magnesium, manganese, iron, copper, chromium, zinc, molybdenum, sodium, phosphorus, selenium, cobalt, strontium, potassium, nickel, fluorine, and aluminum and trace amounts of lipids sterols, vitamins B, C, E, caffeine, theophylline, chlorophyll, carotenoids and volatile aldehydes, alcohols, esters, lactones, hydrocarbons. 

This tea oil contains a great number of minerals. It also contains alkaloids known as methylxanthines, such as caffeine, theobromine, and theophylline on average. There are phenolic acids such as gallic acids and amino acids such as theanine present in it. Green tree Absolute Oil contains  Antioxidant, Antiseptic, Anti-inflammatory, healing, Carminative These properties help to fight against harmful viruses, bacteria, and fungi. Green tea Absolute oil also contains some content of caffeine as it is already present in its leaves. This content helps to improve mental alertness and makes the person more active. It also reduces the risk of heart disease, and cholesterol and balances blood pressure. By proving the several health benefits this absolute oil is widely used in several industries and it is considered a Transformer in the industry of perfumes.


  • Pharmaceutical Industry: The Healing, Antiseptic, Anti-inflammatory, and Antioxidant properties are making Green tea absolute oil a perfect product to use in the Pharmaceutical industry.  Due to these properties, it is used in making a large number of natural medicines, Capsules, Pills, and Liquid or Liquid gel.

  • Food & Beverages Industry: Due to its antioxidant properties, Green Tea Absolute is suitable for cooking. Adding this either in Food or in beverages helps in better digestion. It helps to add aromatic flavors and color to the dishes. Thus, it is used widely in the Food & Beverages Industry for making Breakfasts, Beverages, Detox tea & Infusions, etc.

  • Perfumery Industry: It is widely used in the Perfumery Industry. The soothing, relaxing, herbaceous aroma of this oil helps in making several fusions. Several Unisex Perfumes, Deodorants, and Air fresheners are made due to their refreshing & calming fragrance.

  • Skin Care Industry: It is a renowned product used in the Skin Care industry. A wide range of skincare products is prepared using this Absolute oil.  The Skin care products like Face moisturizers for all skin types, Night Creams, Day creams, Under Eye Creams, Facial oils, Face masks, Face toners, Body mists, Serums, etc. are prepared with Green Tea Absolute. These products help to improve the health of the skin & add a youthful charm to the skin.

  • Aromatherapy / Spa & Sauna Industry: Due to its aromatic fragrances & several healing properties, this oil is a perfect oil that can be used in several therapies. Industries like Spa & saunas where people used to get treatments are using Green tea absolute for providing various services. It is reputedly used in providing aromatherapies like Ambient Therapy, Fango therapy, and Algo therapy. The relaxing and refreshing aroma helps to achieve a balance of mind, body & soul.


  • Make an Oil-free Moisturizer: Make a homemade non-greasy & hydrating face Moisturizer with our Green Tea Absolute Oil. Just add a few drops of this oil into your regular Moisturizer or you can mix it with the carrier oil of your Choice.  This moisturizer penetrates the skin & helps to remove excess oil from it. Thus, by providing the required hydration this oil helps to remove excess acne & pimples from the skin. Henceforth this Oil works magically on Oily & combination skin types. 

  • Use it to lose fat: Looking for a solution to reduce your Body fat? Here is a solution; our super tonic Green Tea Absolute Oil. Massage using this oil on the area. If you have bulgy fat in your forearms, thighs, and hips, massage this oil on the fatty area.  This massage helps to make a person healthy & fit by reducing excess fat. It also helps to increase fat-burning Metabolism. 

  • Use it as an Antiseptic: In case of any infection, Wounds, Cuts, or Rashes. Use this oil as an Antiseptic to cure these Injuries. This oil contains healing properties that don’t only cure the injury but also remove infections. You can apply this oil to such infections by diluting it with Coconut oil.

  • Use it as a Diffuser: Relax your mind with our Green Tea Absolute Oil. Use it in Diffuser to avail a relaxing & calming effect. You can also diffuse this oil with our other range of aromatic Carrier Oil. Diffusing it in your surrounding helps to uplift the mood, impart mental alertness, and create a soothing & gentle atmosphere. It generates a sense of serenity and helps to stimulate the brain cells.

  • Have a refreshing Bath: Remove your stress & exhaustion by having a refreshing & soothing bath. Pour a few drops of this oil into the bath water to have an aromatic bath. The soothing effect of this oil helps remove impurities, dirt & oil from the body. It, Green tea oil contains Vitamin E which regenerates the skin cells and makes the skin shiny & healthy.

  • Make a Homemade Sanitizer: It is always advised to use the absolute oil in the diluted form. To make Homemade sanitizer just add a few drops of this oil with any non-sticky carrier oil and mix it well. This oil is ready to use as a Sanitizer. Pour a few drops of this mixture onto your Palms & rub it gently, Your hands are fully Sanitized.

  • Plants/Vegetable Spray: Add a few drops of green tea absolute in the water and spray it on your plants to bloom them. This will help to produce fruits and vegetable mold-free. This oil will also help to keep pests, and insects away as it contains disinfectant properties.


  • Repairs Damaged Skin: If you are suffering from rough & damaged skin, then this absolute product is perfect for you. Rough & damaged skin requires an ample amount of nourishment. This works magically on the skin, It heals the skin & provides the required amount of hydration. Its astringent properties of it help in reducing open pores, and wrinkles, treat textured skin and slows down fast aging. It is also helpful in treating skin diseases like Psoriasis.

  • Prevents Hair Fall: Tired of hair fall and dull hair?  Then, try this absolute solution. It is a great solution that helps to increase hair production. Massage your scalp with Green Tea absolutely by mixing it with your favorite Carrier Oil. This massage helps in reducing the occurrence of hair loss as this oil activates the Dermal Papiria cells in the hair follicles. The content of Vitamin B in it helps to reduce split ends, and dandruff and make your hair stronger and shiner.

  • Says Goodbye to Dark Circles: In this era of digitalization, we remain constantly on our mobile screens and laptop screens. The flashy lights & sleepless nights develop dark circles under the eyes which is next to a disaster for the youngsters. So this oil works wonders on the Eye area, it helps to reduce puffiness in the eyes and to fade away dark circles. Our oil contains anti-inflammatory properties, which help in reducing swelling and treats Puffy Eyes. You just have to add this oil to your carrier oil and give a gentle massage around your eyes.

  • Cures Cancer: Suffering from a deadly disease Like Cancer? Cancer cells can form anywhere, in any part of the body. If you are suffering from the cancers like breast, skin, and stomach cancer then this oil will help you to overcome your problem. Our absolute oil helps treat various forms of Cancer. The Green Tea Absolute oil has such contents that help to withdraw the EGCG from the body which ultimately helps to reduce the production of cancer cells in the body.

  •  Treats Fungal infections: Fungal Infections can appear in any part of the body. These infections lead to high inflammation, redness, itching, irritation & sometimes swelling. This natural Oil helps to prevent Fungal Infections in the body, Especially Nail fungus that is commonly found in people. It is also helpful in treating the fungal infection of the Athlete’s Foot. Just Go for the natural approach over the big treatments and use this oil to treat your fungal infections.

  • Protects from Harmful UV rays: Our body regularly gets exposed to sunlight, smoke, dirt particles/pollutants, dust, etc., But the extremely Hot Sun can cause Sun Burns on the body, It causes tanning, rashes, irritation, redness & sometimes swelling. Using Green Tea Absolute helps to protect the body from Harmful UV rays. Massage this oil diluting it in any nonsticky oil, on the exposed body parts. It works as a Sunscreen for you. It is also helpful when applied to dark spots, and tanned areas as it helps to reduce redness, itching & inflammation on the skin.   


  • About 5000 years ago it is believed that emperor ShenNung discovered tea dates in 2737 BC. While resting with his escort a few leaves of green tea whirled into his pot of boiling water and unknowingly he drank that water which turns out to be refreshing and contained a great flavor.

  • We all know that green tea is Green in color but here is an interesting fact it is not always green in color sometimes it looks pale yellow and this is because it is prepared correctly.

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