Tobacco Absolute Oil

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Product Code :KAO-35
Botanical Name :Nicotiana Tabacum L.
Plant Part :Leaves
Country of Origin :Bulgaria
Blends Well With :Sandalwood, Castoreum, Labdanum, Clary sage, Vetiver, Bergamot, Cedarwood derivatives
Color & Odor :Brown viscous liquid with hay odor
Method of Extraction :Steam Distillation
Weight & Rate :                  
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100% Natural Product
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Tobacco absolute oil is extracted from the leaves of the tobacco plant, which is scientifically known as Nicotiana tabacum. The tobacco plant belongs to the Solanaceae family, which also includes other important crops such as tomatoes, potatoes, and eggplants. The tobacco plant is native to the Americas and is believed to have been first domesticated in the region that is now Mexico and Central America. Now several species of this plant are cultivated around the world for their nicotine-rich leaves. The cultivation of tobacco plants for the production of tobacco absolute oil is typically done on a large scale in countries such as India, China, Brazil, and the United States.

The plants are grown in warm, humid climates and require well-drained soil and ample sunlight to thrive. Tobacco plants typically grow to a height of 4 to 6 feet and produce large, broad leaves that are harvested when they are mature. The leaves are then dried, fermented, and processed to produce various tobacco products, including cigarettes, cigars, chewing tobacco, and snuff. The Tobacco absolute oil captures the aromatic compounds from the plant material and comes up as a aromatic & highly concentrated absolute oil. It is important to note that the cultivation of tobacco plants is a controversial issue due to the health risks associated with smoking and other forms of tobacco use.

Additionally, the production of tobacco absolute oil can have negative environmental impacts if not done sustainably. Tobacco absolute oil is not typically consumed as a food or used for its nutritional value. Therefore, it does not have nutritional value in the traditional sense. However, it does contain a range of chemical compounds that are responsible for its distinct aroma and potential therapeutic properties. Tobacco absolute oil is a highly complex mixture of chemical compounds, containing over 250 different chemical components. Some of the major chemical compounds found in tobacco absolute oil include Coumarin, Nicotine which is the primary alkaloid found in tobacco plants and is responsible for the plant's addictive properties, Pyridine, a heterocyclic compound that is commonly found in tobacco products and is responsible for the characteristic smoky odor of tobacco.

Nornicotine which is a derivative of nicotine that is also found in tobacco products, an alkaloid Anabasine that is structurally similar to nicotine and is also found in tobacco plants, an aldehyde, Furfural that is produced during the extraction process and contributes to the distinctive aroma of tobacco absolute oil and several other chemical compounds such as various terpenes, phenols. Smoking or inhaling tobacco absolute oil can cause respiratory irritation and other negative health effects, and its use should be approached with caution. It is always best to consult with a healthcare professional or qualified aromatherapist before using tobacco absolute oil or any other essential oils for therapeutic purposes. Tobacco absolute oil has a long and complex history, dating back to the pre-Columbian era when the tobacco plant was first cultivated in the Americas. Indigenous peoples in North and South America have used tobacco for centuries for medicinal, ceremonial, and social purposes.

The plant was introduced to Europe in the 16th century and quickly became popular, leading to the development of the tobacco industry. The extraction of tobacco absolute oil is a relatively recent development, dating back to the late 19th century. The first known commercial extraction of tobacco absolute oil was in Germany in the 1890s, where it was used in the production of perfumes and flavorings. In the early 20th century, tobacco absolute oil was also used as a flavoring agent in food products, such as candies and soft drinks. In the mid-20th century, concerns about the health risks associated with smoking and tobacco use led to a decline in the popularity of tobacco products, including tobacco absolute oil. Today, tobacco absolute oil is primarily used in the fragrance and cosmetic industries, where it is valued for its complex and distinctive aroma. While the history of tobacco absolute oil is complex and controversial, it remains an important part of the fragrance industry and continues to be used in a wide range of products.


  • Tobacco Industry: It is used in the tobacco industry to enhance the flavor and aroma of tobacco products. It may also have potential applications in reducing the harm caused by smoking, although more research is needed in this area.

  • Perfume and Fragrance Industry: This oil is commonly used in perfumes, colognes, and other fragrance products. It is used to create warm, smoky, and woody notes in fragrance blends.

  • Food and Beverages Industry: It is used to add tobacco flavor to food and beverage products, such as chewing gum, tobacco products, and alcohol.

  • Personal Care Industry: This oil can be added to soaps, lotions, and other personal care products to create a unique and appealing aroma. It may also have potential benefits for the skin, such as reducing inflammation and improving the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

  • Aromatherapy Industry: It is used in aromatherapy to create a relaxing and calming effect. It is believed to have some potential therapeutic benefits, such as reducing anxiety and stress.

  • Insecticide Manufacturing Industry:This oil can be used as an insecticide due to its high nicotine content. It can be used to control pests such as aphids and spider mites.


It can be used in various ways but since it is highly concentrated so it is advised to use it properly. You can follow our DIY recipes to fulfill your several purposes.

  • Make a personal perfume for you: Smell fragrant for the whole day with this amazing oil. Take the ingredients like 10 ml of carrier oil (such as jojoba oil), 10 drops of tobacco absolute oil, and 5 drops of vanilla oil. Combine them all together in a small glass bottle and shake well to mix. Apply a small amount to your pulse points, such as your wrists and neck.

  • Fill your room with a beautiful fragrance: Imagine entering into a room with a soothing environment and a beautiful fragrance after a long hectic day! It feels wonderful, Right? So, what are waiting for? Make a Room spray with Tabacco absolute oil and make your room the best part of your house. You need to take, 1/2 cup of distilled water, 1/2 cup of high-proof alcohol (such as vodka), 20 drops of tobacco absolute oil, and last but not least, 10 drops of bergamot essential oil. Combine all these ingredients in a spray bottle and shake well to mix. Spray the mixture in your room to enjoy the aroma.

  • Tobacco Absolute Oil Beard Oil: Gentlemen, we know, having a healthy & perfect beard is such a bliss. It is because it enhances your looks and gives structure to your face. If you have good beard hair, then you are lucky but if it is not the case, then you must take very good care of it. So, buck up, make a beard oil for you at your home in the easiest way. Just take 5 drops of Tobacco absolute oil,5 drops of Cedarwood essential oil, and 1 oz of Jojoba oil as a base oil for the dilution. Combine all ingredients in a small glass bottle and shake well to mix. Apply a few drops to your beard and massage it in. Always perform a patch test before using this oil on your skin and follow proper safety precautions when using and handling it.

  • Use it to quit smoking: Struggling to get out of this bad habit of smoking regularly? Then you can try this oil to come out of such a situation. This oil is not a permanent solution but may help you to quit smoking. Whenever you are having craving for smoking, You can use this oil in your Inhaler. Inhaling it regularly for about 1.5 months to 2 months may help you to get out of this bad habit.


  • Relives Stress and imparts Relaxation: The warm, smoky, and woody scent of tobacco absolute oil can create a calming and relaxing effect, which may help reduce stress and anxiety.

  • Makes one elated: This oil may have mood-boosting properties due to its ability to stimulate the release of dopamine in the brain. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that is associated with feelings of pleasure and happiness.

  • Disappears the signs of aging: It may have potential benefits for the skin, such as reducing inflammation and improving the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

  • May Help in treating Sexual Problems: This oil is believed to be an aphrodisiac, and thus it may help to provide temporary treatment for sexual problems. It helps in treating the problems like Premature ejaculation, loss of libido, erectile dysfunction, etc.

  • Protect Oral Health: Smile out Loud, because you have Tobacco absolute oil. This absolute oil works great on the Tooth. It helps to alleviate toothaches, treats gum problems, provides relief from bleeding gums, and disappears the yellowness on the teeth making them white.

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