Avocado Oil

  • 10 Review(s)
Product Code :KCO-06
Botanical Name :Persea Americana
Plant Part :Seeds
Country of Origin :Mexico
Blends Well With :Blends with most of the oil including olive oil, palm oil, castor oil, coconut oil, etc.
Color & Odor :Pale yellow to golden yellow liquid with Characteristic odor
Method of Extraction :Cold Pressed
Weight & Rate :100 Ml (USD 10.5)                  
  • 10.5
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Avocado- A bright green fruit, loaded with multivitamins, high fiber & low sugar and Avocado Essential oil is obtained from this fruit, which is grown on a tropical evergreen tree called Persea Americana tree. Avocado is a large soft fruit having fleshy pulp and a big seed in it.  The fleshy Pulp of the fruit is extracted to extract the oil from it. The Avocado trees are big trees that attain a height of 15 to 80 feet and are about 5 to 8 feet in width. The tree has glossy, dark green, oval-shaped leaves and little greenish-yellow flowers. The growth of the Avocado somehow depends upon the cultivation techniques & the climatic conditions and it is native to Mexico country of Southern North America.

People gave it nicknames like Butter Pear and Vegetable Butter. Famously it is known by many names like Plato, Aguacate, Ahuacate, Abokado, Persea Americana, Persea Persea, Persea Gratissima, Persea Leigyna, and Poire Alligator. The late winter & Early spring are a season of avocados.In the 5th millennium BC, This tree was cultivated in Central America, South America & Mexico in North America. There are various communities in the United States of America & people of different communities & cultures have been using it to get several benefits.  The Ancient people of Mexico which are called the Aztecs named it “Ahuacatl” which means Testicles and it is because of its shape and the effect it gives on the body.

They have been using it to raise fertility and it is often referred to as “Fertility Fruit”. The Aztecs (Ancient people of Mexico), Mayans (People of Mesoamerica or Central America), and  Incas (South American Indians) have used it to treat Face problems. They have used it as a Face Mask & also used it cosmetically. Especially Mayans have used it to get rid of Intestinal worms & infections, to grow hair longer & to treat Diarrhea. It was also found that around twelve thousand years ago, the avocado & its parts has been used in the Articrafts made in Mexico.

During the Columbian Exchange, [In which several plants, metals, animals, humans, commodities, diseases, ideas & cultures were transferred from the Old World (Afro- Eurasia) to the New World (America)], the Avocado tree was introduced to the new world and it was widely spread to the California, Hawaii & Florida.Avocado Oil is plant based on oil that is not extracted from the seed rather it is extracted from the fruit itself. The chemical components it contains are Flavonoids, Linoleic, Oleic acid,  Lecithin, Palmitic, Palmitoleic, tannins, Stearic, lecithin, Omega-9 fatty acid, polyunsaturated fatty acids, and less content of Pufa.

It contains essential fatty acids and brings poly saturated & monosaturated fats to the body, which helps to increase Good Cholesterol in the body. This oil has ample amounts of Nutrients, minerals, and proteins & is rich in Vitamin A, Vitamin B6 Vitamin C, and Vitamin K.  It also consists of Potassium, Folic Acid, Folate, Thiamin, Riboflavin & Sodium. The presence of all these substances makes it exceptionally beneficial for human health. It has Antioxidant, Astringent, Anti-aging, Anti-inflammatory, Regenerative, and Detoxifying properties. Diabetic people can also use this oil as it has zero carbohydrates & zero glycemic indexes. However, it is always advised to use it in smaller amounts. Regular application of Avocado Essential Oil helps to remove pollutants from the skin.


  • Food & Beverages Industry: It places significant importance in Food & Beverages Industry. It is just because of the presence of carbohydrates, nutrients, proteins & vitamins in it. This oil helps in making Sugar Free & fat-free products. 

  • Pharmaceutical Industry: Avocado Oil- What it doesn’t have? This is an oil that is full of many kinds of components that can be effectively used to make several Pharmaceutical products. It has Antioxidants, Vitamins, Nutrients, Essential Fats, Minerals, etc. All these qualities make this oil big in Pharmaceutical Industry.

  • Skin Care Industry: This oil is one of the best Oil that is used in producing several skin care products. It has moisturizing, anti-inflammatory properties and the presence of Vitamins, Nutrients, Potassium, Sodium & Folic acid makes it the perfect ingredient to be added to skincare products. A wide variety of Skin Care products like  Face Oil, Face Creams, Lotions,  Moisturizers, Sunscreen, Cuticle oil, Hand Cream, Nail Oil, Night Cream, Cleanser, Face wash, Body butter, Face toner, Face serum, etc, are formed using this oil.

  • Cosmetics Industry: It has Antioxidant, Astringent, Anti-aging,  Regenerative, Detoxifying, and Emollient properties. Along with these properties, the presence of Retinol & Hyaluronic acid makes it perfect to be added in making several cosmetic formulations. Its use in the medicinal industry is wide due to the presence of carminative, Diuretic Detoxifying, Anti-inflammatory, Antiparasitic, and Analgesic properties.

  • Hair Care Industry: There is a wide range of Hair care products formulated using Avocado oil. . The industries use to produce hair Oils, Shampoos, Hair masks, Conditioners, and several hair repair products. Such products boost the growth of hair, improve scalp health, reduce dryness, and increase the volume of hair.



  • Use it as Hair Oil: Use your regular normal hair Oil and get no benefits. It’s time to switch to our super amazing Avocado Oil. This is the best oil for hair that one will ever opt for. Just take a few drops of this oil and mix it either in your regular oil or in any carrier oil of your choice. Apply this oil to your scalp, give a gentle massage, and see the results in just a few days. The minerals & proteins present in it make the hair follicles strong & repair the damage. It provides nourishment to the hair roots & hair strands and thus strengthens them. Moreover, this also helps in detangling your hair.

  • Use it on your Nails: Want clear & healthy Nails? We know, the answer to this question is a big “Yes”. So here, we have come up with a solution- Our wonderful Avocado Oil. In case you have bad, yellow, unhealthy nails that are too brittle, you can use our Avocado oil on your nails as a remedy to it. Dilute the Avocado Oil with the base oil and pour a one-one drop on each of your nails, Massage it for some time on the nails & on the skin surrounding them. Following it regularly, make the appearance of Nails clean & neat. Moreover, it makes them smoother & stronger. This use can help people who often like to grow their nails long.

  • Use it as a Skin Moisturizer & Sun Screen: Avocado Lovers, Use it infuse in your daily skincare regime. It contains the essential fatty acids & nutrients, required to make the skin. It provides nourishment & hydration to the skin. Moreover, it heals the skin and provides a protective shield to it from the Hot Sun. Just add a few drops of this oil into the carrier oil in your regular moisturizer and it works magically on your skin.

  • Use it as a Face Cleanser: Had a day out? Oh, we know you might have dirt, dust & pollutants on your skin. Use our Avocado Oil as a Face Cleanser to remove the impurities from your skin and to get rid of these pollutants' resultant effects. It helps to unclog the pores of the skin by removing foreign particles from it. Other than this, if you have worn makeup, then also you can use this oil to remove the makeup from your face.

  • Massage Oil: This oil can be effectively used as a massage Oil. Pamper yourself and Get deep penetrative massages using this oil. This oil helps to unclog the pores on the skin & discourage the formation of blackheads on it. You can use this oil for body Massage, moreover, you can use this oil to massage your Face as well as it has effective scrubbing qualities. Thus, use this oil to get several benefits.


  • Healthy Heart & Healthy Life: It is one of the best oil that improves Cardiovascular health. Bad Cholesterol, Excessive Fats & High Blood Pressure are the main causes of Bad heart health. These negative participants can deteriorate the heart’s health, But Avocado Oil is a combination of all the good components which helps in maintaining good cholesterol, and good fats in the body & regulates Blood pressure. Maintaining these components leads to having a healthy heart. By protecting the heart’s health, it also prevents occurring of dreadful heart diseases.

  • May diminish the effect of Arthritis: This oil tends to deal with joint & Muscle pain. Whereas, Arthritis is a common disease that causes excessive pain & inflammation in the joints. This oil helps to reduce the pain, inflammation & stiffness in the joints & may help to reduce the effect of pain diseases like arthritis. 

  • Provides Protection from Sun: Skin damaged by the excessive heat from the sun & the pollution? Our Avocado Oil comes up as a solution to this problem. Regular exposure to the Sun can cause Skin Tan & sometimes causes Burns on the skin as well. Hot Sun damages the skin, but we cannot prevent going out due to its ill effects this oil works wonders under the Sun as it is a natural sunscreen. It is enriched with healing & calming properties, which help to remove tan, skin damage, skin burn, and redness, and thus, protects the skin from harmful UVB rays.

  • An Elixir for Skin: It proves to be an Elixir for Skin. Regular use of it provides nourishment & hydration to the skin.  This non-sticky formula prevents the formation of excessive oil on the skin, thus attracting fewer dust particles and preventing the formation of Acne on it. Moreover, its Anti-inflammatory properties of it help to reduce redness & inflammation caused due to any reason. Other than this, it may help to reduce the Dark circles under the eyes, helps to retain the elasticity of the skin, and thus, reduces signs of aging on the skin.

  • Helps in reducing Belly Fat: The presence of Monounsaturated Fats in this oil helps in removing the toxic fats from the body & retains good fat. It includes the nutrients & minerals which help to absorb the good fat in the body and thus the effect of these components helps in reducing weight.  It increases the metabolism in the Body and thus along with regular exercise this oil helps to reduce belly fat. 

  • Promotes Health of Eyes: Eyes- A medium through which we can see the world and no one wants bad eye health. This Avocado Oil helps in Improving Eye Health. It contains an Antioxidant named, Lutein, This antioxidant is naturally found in the Eyes and maintains the Eye's Health. Using this Oil helps in preventing many eye diseases as well. It helps to treat some common eye Diseases like it helps to reduce the effect of Macular degeneration & Cataracts.


  • July 31, is celebrated as National Avocado Day.

  • Avocado has got the status of a prescribed drug for Arthritis in France. 

  • Avocado was previously called “Alligator Pear” and the species that grow in California is called “Calavo”.

  •  Indonesians & Filipinos are using avocados to make their favorite Dessert & Sweets Drinks by blending them with Milk & Sugar.


Avocado carrier oil is known for its anti-aging property. It is highly used in different cosmetic products such as lotions, creams, and others. This oil is rich in vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B8, B9, D, E, and K. It also has iron, zinc, copper, potassium, magnesium, and others. This oil is known for its rich amount of monounsaturated acids. It is highly effective to be applying on hair and skin.

In the 17th century, Avocado carrier oil was brought into the European continent. Mainly, it comes from Mexico by Spanish conquistadors. In the early times, the people of Mexico used it to treat diarrhea and reduce worms.

The oil is not safe for pregnant women. Those who are allergic to nuts should not use this oil.

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