Allspice Essential Oil

  • 10 Review(s)
Product Code :KEO-13
Botanical Name :Pimenta Officinalis
Plant Part :Unripe Berries
Country of Origin :Jamaica
Blends Well With :Ginger, Geranium, Lavender, Orange, Patchouli, and Ylang-ylang.
Color & Odor :Pale yellow to yellow-amber liquid. Sweet and spicy odor, it gives a middle note with a medium aroma.
Method of Extraction :Steam Distillation
Weight & Rate :50Ml / 1.6907 Oz (USD 5.2)  100Ml / 3.3814 Oz (USD 10)  500Ml / 16.90 Oz (USD 32)  1L / 33.81 Oz (USD 52.47)  5L / 169.07 Oz (USD 234.6)  10L / 338.14 Oz (USD 468)        
  • 5.2
100% Natural Product
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Allspice Essential Oil is extracted from a tree called Pimenta Diocia. Pimenta Diocia is an evergreen tree that is native to Jamaica, a Caribbean island Nation located in the North-East part of Central America, West Indies & Mexico but now it can be found in many parts of the world. The Pimenta Diocia tree was first discovered by Christopher Columbus. He accidentally found this during a journey in the 15th century in Jamaica & named the fruit of this tree Jamaican pepper. Thus Allspice Essential Oil is also called Jamaican pepper Essential Oil, Pimento Berry Essential Oil. The Word Pimento is derived from the Spanish word “Pimienta” which simply refers to pepper.

It resembles pepper and this is why it was named Pimento and in many languages, it is called pepper only. It is called Allspice because of the various flavors present in it. It combines the flavors of cloves, peppers, cinnamon, juniper, nutmeg & ginger. Every part of this tree is either used for several medicinal purposes or as a spice in food. This name Allspice was coined by Mr. John Ray, a Botanist. He identified the combinative flavors of different spices like cloves, nutmeg, and cinnamon in one spice. The Allspice tree is about 9 meters (30 feet) in height. It has white blossoms which have an exceptionally strong aroma. Some of its trees have straight & some have circular & elongated leaves.

It has tiny berries which are about 5mm in size and are dark brown in color. These tiny berries are picked unripe from the tree and then dried in the Sun. During this process, the berries change their color and turn green to reddish brown color. This tree can be easily grown in medium to average moisture in a warm, humid climate with full sun. It contains various chemical compounds such as Eugenol, 1,8-Cineole, methyl eugenol, Gamma-Cadinenel, a- Caryophyllene,  B- Caryophyllene, Caryophyllene oxide henceforth provides several therapeutic benefits. It has anti-fungal, antioxidant, antiseptic, antibacterial & and microbial properties. The use of Allspice essential oil has arisen from the use of this Oil in folk medicines by the native people of Jamaica. The Allspice essential oil can be extracted by the steam distillation process.

Its leaves & berries are steam refined to extract the oil from it. It has a sweet & spicy aroma. This Oil has been extensively used in food, diffusers & Body care products, pharmaceutical & perfumery industries. It has anti-microbial, anti-fungal & carminative properties. Inclusive of many health & ayurvedic benefits, Allspice essential Oil eases breathing problems and relieves cold, cough & headaches. Other than these, this Oil helps in the relaxation of muscles constraints & reduces the aches in teeth & joints. A few drops of Allspice essential Oil can be helpful in reducing anxiety & depression. It provides relief from Diarrhea, and Vomits and heals Nausea. This Oil can be either used in Food in place of using different spices and It can also be used as a Diffuser which refreshes the air & makes the whole ambiance aromatic.


  • Skin Care Products: It is widely incorporated into numerous skin care products due to its refreshing aroma and several skin benefits. Using such products easily penetrates the skin & unfolds several skin benefits. It has anti-microbial properties which act as a natural preservative & assure protection against any fungal & bacterial infection. These products help to prevent acne, pimples, rashes, early aging of the skin, etc.

  • Hair Care Products: It can be added to producing hair care products. This can help in speeding up hair growth. It improves scalp health due to its anti-microbial & and bacterial properties & hence reducing irritation on the scalp & dandruff.

  • Aromatherapy: It is effectively used in Aromatherapy. Allspice essential oil soothes sore joints, Improves sleep quality and makes the body relax, reduces stress, anxiety & agitation. It provides Calming effect on the kind & the body and hence provides relaxation to the body.

  • Aroma Lamps/ Diffusers: It is a wonderful oil to use as Diffusers or Aroma Lamps during the winter. It can be used by blending it with other essential Oils in order to have a pleasant aroma.

  • Candles Making: With our warm & spicy Allspice essential Oil scented candles can be made. The aroma of this oil helps add warmth & comfort to the atmosphere when used in the candles. The scented candles when melted provide soothing effects & stimulate the limbic system of the brain.

  • Cosmetics & Soaps: It has scientifically proven Cosmetics properties. It has all the vital elements that can be added to various cosmetic products. Due to its anti-microbial & antifungal properties, Allspice Essential Oil can be effectively used in making various Cosmetic products & soaps. Preparation of Creams and Gels using allspice essential oil doesn’t require adding up any additional chemical preservatives.


  • Weight Management: With the regular application of our Allspice Essential Oil you can easily lose weight and make yourself fit. After its use, it may activate a Takeda-G protein, Which is a protein responsible for the discharge of hunger-reducing hormones. Thus, when it is secreted it helps to reduce the appetite and hence helps you to manage your body weight.

  • Healthy Body Is a Gift: It helps to reduce headaches, and alleviate Muscles cramps, toothaches, and stiffness due to the presence of Eugenol in it. The eugenol in it also helps in treating Arthritis, Ulcer & Indigestion. It calms stomach muscles, reduces stomach cramps, and helps eliminate gas from the intestines & thus reducing bloating. Instead of using several spices, regularly adding up this oil to the food not only adds spice & aroma to the food but also ensures that the digestive system of the body will run smoothly.

  • Stress Management: Using this Oil either as a Diffuser or inhalation of it reduces tension and makes you free from any sort of Stress. Calming the nerve cells also helps in reducing Depression and makes your mind & body relax. 

  • No More Insomnia: Tranquillizing properties of Allspice essential Oil help in providing quality sleep & thus help treat Insomnia. Regular Consumption of a specified amount of this Oil helps increase sleep. It can also be used as a Diffuser; the subtle aroma of this oil gives calming & relaxing effect on the mind. It relaxes the nerve cells and helps provide a peaceful sleep.

  • Dry Scalp? Say No More: This Oil proves to be extremely helpful in treating various hair & scalp issues. The use of this oil makes skin less irritant, reduces dandruff, and itching associated with Dandruff protects the hair from damage & dullness, reduces breakage, and makes your hair healthier, longer & stronger.

  • Shine BrightUsage of Allspice Essential oil protects skin from acne, pimples, and rashes and prevents early aging of the skin due to its anti-aging anti-microbial, anti-bacterial, and anti-fungal properties.

  • Gift for Strong Memory: Inhaling Our Allspice essential Oil or diffusing it in your territory stimulates your nerve cells, and relaxes your mind & body & hence it helps reduce fatigue. It boosts the cognitive function of your body and increases your mental abilities. By providing a soothing effect, it also helps you to improve your concentration & thus makes your memory strong.

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