Cinnamon Leaf Oil

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Product Code :CNML-RS-EO
Botanical Name :Cinnamomum Verum
Plant Part :Leaves
Country of Origin :India
Blends Well With :Cinnamon Leaf blends well with any oil from the citrus family, other spice oils (particularly clove), as well as Lavender, Rosemary and Thyme.
Method of Extraction :Steam Distillation
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Originated in Sri Lanka, Cinnamon is an evergreen tropical tree that is used to produce world-class essential Oil. It is one of the family members of the Lauraceae family. Along with Sri Lanka, it is highly grown in China, Vietnam, Indonesia, Madagascar, South America, the West Indies, The Tenasserim Hills of Burms, Comoros Islands. In India, it is grown in Himalayas & Malabar Coasts. It blooms little white flowers along with bluish-white berries. It has strong & smooth branches and quite rough & thick bark. It bears leathery shiny green leaves, which are used to extract Cinnamon Leaf oil, and when bruised it throws a spicy & warm fragrance. The leaves are oval, elongated, and about 3-7 inches in length.

The immature cinnamon leaves are red. These are also called Indian Bay Leaf, Tej Patta, and Cassia Leaf. Cinnamon is cultivated in the mild temperature in different ranges of Soil. The soil should be highly acidic, maintaining a ph level of 4.5 to 5.5. It is sown in fine silver sand to highly fertilized gravelly soil. The silver sandy soil is rich in silica and thus most of the cinnamon trees are usually grown in this sand. It requires an adequate amount of draining as excessive wet or dried land may deteriorate & rot the cinnamon tree. It gets matured & ready after 2-3 years of its cultivation and can be harvested at that time. It attains a height of about 5 feet to 6.5 feet. Scientifically, it is called Cinnamomum Verum.

Cinnamon Leaf Oil is extracted from the Leaves & twigs of the Cinnamon tree through the Steam distillation process. To extract the oil, the leaves are first dried in the air and then proceeded further for Distillation. When dried, leaves become matte olive in color. It forms to be a running liquid, which attains the color of dark yellow to brownish yellow after extraction. It has a spicy & pungent taste whereas it imparts a sweet, strong, warm, spicy & herbaceous aroma. But, in comparison to Cinnamon Bark oil, it has a lighter aroma & taste. It contains anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, anti-microbial, antibiotic & antiseptic properties. Cinnamon Oil has been used by many cultures all around the world because of its therapeutic, stimulating & medicinal properties. 

Historically, It has been used for medicinal purposes, aromatherapy, and as a perfume. These leaves were distilled in the light yellow oil because of its strong & musky smell. It has a great history. Ancient Egyptians & Romans used this oil for several medicinal & flavoring purposes. Egyptians were also using it for the embalming process whereas Romans were using it for the burial process.  In China, it has been known as “Kawai”. Greeks have been using it to prepare Incense and this incense was used in their temples for worshipping their deities. The use of this oil is also depicted in a story in Christians’ holy book “The Bible’’.It is highly nutritious and contains Calcium, Proteins, Vitamins A, B &C, Carbohydrates & Magnesium.

Like all other plants, Cinnamon also has terpenes; it has Cinnamaldehyde, which is responsible for its warm & spicy aroma. It also offers anti-microbial properties, which help to remove bacteria.  It contains Cinnamyle acetate which is an acetate easter, because of this content, this oil is used in fragrances & insect repellent. It contains Eugenol Acetate, which gives a sweet clove-like aroma, and due to this; it is used as a flavoring agent in many food items. It belongs to the Phenol ester group and proves to have anti-oxidants & and inflammatory properties. Last it contains Benzaldehyde. It is a powerful oil that carries both Fragrant & medicinal properties, It offers numerous Physical health advantages. Cinnamon leaf oil is highly potent in treating women’s health issues. It helps eliminate toxins from the body, reduces inflammation, and also helps in treating cardiovascular diseases.


  • Hair Care Industry: One of the significant uses of this oil is its use in hair Care products. Adding it to different hair care products offers several benefits. A wide range of Shampoos, hair Oil, Conditioners, and Hair masks is made using this oil. These products offer the benefits like silky & smooth Hair, Dandruff reduction, reduction in dryness& itchiness, etc.  

  • Cosmetics & Skin Care Industry: The Fragrantive, antibiotic & and septic properties of this oil help to prepare a wide range of cosmetics & skincare formulations. It is extensively used in preparing skin care products. It contains all the healing properties& and oxidants which are required to make the Skin healthy, Soft & Smooth. It is added with all other required ingredients, in making Body Oil, Face Oil, Anti-Acnes Oil, Night Gels & Cream, Balms, Skin whitening creams, Shampoos, hair Masks, Hair conditioners, etc. It is added while making cosmetics products such as Lipsticks, Lip & cheek tints, face Powders, Lip balm, Lip Gloss, Liquid & Baked Highlighters, Foundations, etc.

  • Perfumery Industry: The sweet, spicy & herbaceous fragrance of this oil is perfect to make a wide variety of Perfumes. It is added with fruity & floral blends, to make the most exotic & high-quality perfumes. It helps to create enduring, soothing & aphrodisiac blends.

  • Aromatherapy: It is a great offering to the Aromatherapy field. It is used for Massage and even can be diffused in the air. Massages are usually done to provide relief, calmness & soothing effects. Due to its warm & spicy nature provides warmth when applied on the body for massage. It offers pain-free Joints, soothing muscles & calm mind. It is a great oil to make your body intact and helps you to make it feel fresh for the whole day. It diminishes exhaustion, feelings of stress & depression. Thus, this oil is widely used in Aromatherapy.


  • Hot water Bath: Take a spa-like feeling at our home. Just add a few drops in your bath water along with other carrier oil and rinse it properly. Dip into the warm water and feel the warmth. It soothes the body and relaxes your mind & soul. It refreshes the body and reduces stress & fatigue.

  • Hot compress: It is great for the menstruation period. This oil can be used in a hot compressor for providing relief from cramps & pain. The heat will help to remove the pain, soreness & stiffness. It boosts blood circulation & can reduce heavy menstrual flow. To make a hot compress using Cinnamon leaf oil, you require a small & clean towel, Dip this towel in Luke's warm water, twist it, and remove the water from it. Put this wet towel into the microwave for 30 sec. Use this hot towel on the lower abdomen & lower back it gets relieved the pain.

  • Candles or diffuser: You can make a diffuser for your home using our cinnamon leaf Oil. When diffused in the room it imparts odor less & a soothing ambiance. It can be used in Homemade candles also. After burning, the warm scent of it uplifts the mood and makes the person feel relaxed. Due to its therapeutic properties, it helps to reduce anxiety, stress, and exhaustion. It soothes nervous tension and makes the person active.  

  • Homemade cleanser: Due to its cleansing & and bacterial properties, it can be used to make homemade cleanser. Just add a few drops of this oil into the water, and use it to clean your wooden furniture, and windows & Mop your floor. It will clean the equipment and along with that, it removes the bacteria, and dirt and gives a shining effect.


  • Healthy & flawless skin: Wants flawless & radiant skin? Use our magical product. This oil works great on the skin and treats skin defects. It helps to remove acne, pimples blemishes, and tan.  It helps to reduce pigmentation, prevents early aging on the skin, revives the skin tone & relieves breakouts, cuts, and rashes. Regular use of it results in clear, glowing & radiant skin.

  • Healthy menstruation: Regular use of this oil leads to healthy menstruation. It helps relieves the cramps & pain during menstruation. A gentle massage using this Oil relieves the muscle's cramps and eases the pain during Menstruation. It relaxes the body & regulates the menstruation cycle.  It is a great tonic that helps in healthy menstruation.

  • Protects Stomach Health: The antibacterial, anti-oxidant, and Carminative properties of this oil work great in maintaining stomach health. It is considered great for digestive health. Stress & anxiety can cause several problems. One of the problems that occur due to that is stomach Ulcers. These are produced due to H. Pylori Bacteria. So, this oil is an effective remedy in treating Stomach ulcers and helps in maintaining stomach health.

  • Strong & Healthy Hair: Pollution, dirt, and bacteria may damage your hair which causes weak hair follicles, excessive hair falling, Exposure to direct sunlight & use of chemical products on the hair is also a reason of Hair damage. But it all can be cured with our super special Cinnamon Leaf Oil. The antioxidants present in it provide nourishment to the hair and add a new life. 

  • Potion for Joints: It is highly beneficial in treating joint problems. It is a warm oil, thus when massaged it provides a warm effect. It treats the pain, soreness & stiffness of the joints. It eases the muscle's pain and provides ease & warmth. It is even helpful in treating arthritis, Sciatica, Multiple Sclerosis, etc. 

  • An Aid against Bacterial & fungi Viruses: Due to its anti-bacterial & and fungal properties, it works as an aid for bacterial & fungal infections. It has great potential in treating viral infections caused due to bacteria & fungi.

  • Maintains Oral Health: Struggling with Cavities? Here’s an effective treatment for Cavities – Our magical Cinnamon Leaf Oil. It helps maintain oral health by preventing bad odor, cavities, pain in gums, and infections. 

  • Improved concentration: Regular use of this oil in an adequate amount can help in improving brain function. It helps you to become more focused as it helps to improve your concentration level. It relieves the mind from stress, pressure & tension which helps to feel relaxed thus, it promotes better concentration.


Cinnamon oil can be used for infection of the respiratory tract, rheumatism, arthritis and general pains. It calms an exhausted feeling of depression, tones the whole body and stimulates the glandular system, thus easing period pains

Medicinal use of cinnamon leaf and cinnamon bark was first recorded in Chinese formularies as early as 2700 B.C. The herb has been used as a healing aid for stomach upset and gas, diarrhea, rheumatism, kidney ailments, and abdominal pain. The Egyptians used it as a foot massage, as well as a remedy for excessive bile. It was used as an ingredient of mulled wines, love potions and a sedative during birth.

Cinnamon oil, that is extracted from the leaf, is non-toxic. Caution must be exercised since the cinnamaldehyde and eugenol contained in the oil could cause irritation, especially to the mucus membranes, so this oil should be used with care. Due to the emmenagogue action of the oil, it should be avoided in pregnancy.

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