Clove Leaf Oil

  • 10 Review(s)
Product Code :CLOL-RS-EO
Botanical Name :Eugenia Caryophyllata
Plant Part :Leaf
Country of Origin :India
Blends Well With :-
Color & Odor :warm clove sweet fruity woody odor
Method of Extraction :Steam Distillation
Weight & Rate :15 Ml (USD 6.75)  100 Ml (USD 13.75)  500 Ml (USD 24.75)  1 Ltr (USD 41.25)            
  • 6.75
100% Natural Product
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Originated in South East Asia, Clove is a long-lived evergreen tree that belongs to Myrtaceae botanical family. Scientifically, it is called Eugenia Caryophallata. The life span of this tree is around 300 to 400 years. It is a big tree that bears pink & red buds; the cloves themselves and has shiny oval leaves. The leaves of the Clove tree grow in pairs. This tropical tree can grow Up to 20 meters but usually, it attains a height of up to 12 meters. Initially, the Clove tree was found in the Spice Island of Molucca of Indonesia, but now it is extensively grown in several parts of the world.

The name clove is derived from the French clou & the Latin word “Clavus” which refers to “A Nail” as it resembles short irregular Nails. Clove leaf oil is derived from the leaves of this tree. It is a colorless to pale yellow running Liquid. It has a warm, herbal & spicy aroma. It is widely used as a flavoring agent & in mouth care.  It is also called Eugenis Caryophyllus Oil, Syzygium Aromaticum Oil & Chouji Yu.Clove Leaf Oil consists of total of 23 constituents. Its key ingredient is Eugenol and it is highly included in it.

It contains a proportion of 70 – 80 % Eugenol along with Alpha Humulene & Caryophyllene. It contains  Carminative, Antioxidant, Analgesic, Anti microbial, Spasmolytic, Antiseptic and Anthelmintic properties.In history, Many wars have been fought in order to get this marvelous spice.Ancient Indonesians used to plant a Clove tree on the birth of child in their family. They had a belief that the destiny of the child directly linked to the destiny of the tree.The traces of the production of cloves have been found by the Archeologists in the Syria.

These had been produced in the Ceramic Vessels.In 200 BC, It was also used in Han Dynasty court of China. They had used it as a Mouth Freshener.Clove oil is a little soluble in Water but can be dissolved perfectly in other essential oils & alcohol. Its popularity has been increased when it was introduced by Marco Polo in Europe. In 200 BC, It was also used in Han Dynasty court of China. They had used it as a Mouth Freshener.Clove oil is a little soluble in Water but can be dissolved perfectly in other essential oils & alcohol. Its popularity has been increased when it was introduced by Marco Polo in Europe. Clove Oil is a key ingredient of “Four Thieves Vinegar”. It contains  Anti bacterial, Anti spasmodic & Carminative properties.


  • Perfumery Industry: It is a widely used oil that is used in manufacturing high-end Perfumes & Deodorants. A wide range of Room Fresheners, Air deodorizers, Cars deodorants is also made using this oil.

  • Bath Care Industry: It is used in the bath care industry and is added in making numerous several toiletry products. It is added with other required ingredients to manufacture a range of Bathing bars, soaps, Shampoos & Cleansers.

  • Skin Care Industry: Industrialists are adding this oil in making a wide variety of skincare products. It is used to make Acne control Creams & Oils, Face & Body Tan Clearer, Foocreamsam, Facpacksck, Face wash, etc.

  • Aromatherapy: This oil is of utmost importance in Aromatherapy.  It can be inhaled, massaged & diffused. The spicy warm aroma imparts an exceptional effect on this. It is a soft & milder Oil than Clove Bud Oil.  Hence, this oil can be applied topically on the skin whereas Clove bud Oil is highly concentrated. When used in massage, it imparts a soothing & relaxing effect on the body. It helps to freshen up the mind, relieves muscular cramps & pain, and decreases stress & anxiety.


  • Mouth Wash: Due to its anti-bacterial properties, It is a perfect product that can be used as a Mouth Wash. Just put a few drops of this oil in water and use it to Gargle. It makes the mouth free of bacterial germs & removes bad odor and helps maintain oral hygiene.

  • Insect repellent: The aromatic smell of Clove Leaf Oil is not pleasant for Insects, Bugs, Flies, and Mosquitoes. Deal with these annoying species with our Clove leaf Oil. Use it to repel these antibodies. This Oil has all the active ingredients that prevent entering of these insects. It can be even applied on the skin as an Insect repellent tonic.

  • Clean your metal products: The swords & metals can be cleaned using this Oil. Add a few drops of Clove leaf oil on the cotton pad and rub it on the metal. It immediately removes the dullness & brings a new incomparable shiny look. It removes the dust & dirt from the metal. It is reputed to use it to clean “Katana Sword”.

  • Diffuser: The warm, spicy  & herbaceous aroma of this oil adds warmth & makes the surroundings Pleasant & Fragrant. By adding effective energy, it restores the whole mood. It helps to relieve stress, tension, and anxiety. It brings calmness & reduces Irritability.


  • Stress Buster: Suffering from Stress & anxiety? Try our absolutely balanced Clove Leaf oil. It contains stimulant agents that help to reduce tiredness and make the body relax & calming. It reduces stress & anxiety by calming the nerve cells and makes a person more focused. A mentally exhausted person can use it either through massage or inhalation. It imparts calmness & relaxation and helps to reduce fatigue in the body.

  • Promotes Hair growth: Having beautiful hair is still a dream of many people around the world. Fulfill this dream by using our magical oil. It strengthens the hair roots, boosts the growth & makes them stronger.  Massage this oil into your hair and scalp and it will improve blood circulation, and stop hair fall. It makes dull hair, shiny & dense. Thus it is a perfect product to stimulate hair growth, Increase the volume of hair & strengthen the hair follicles.

  • Instant Pain reliever: Annoyed with a severe headache? Just go for our super-beneficial Clove Leaf Oil. Massaging the head with this oil works magically. It vanishes the headaches and makes the person more relaxed & calm. A deficiency of required vitamins can lead to problems in Joints & Muscles. They can be strained & can cause pain in them. It is a great Tonic that helps to relieve the  Joints & Muscles' pain.

  • Blood Purifier: It helps to remove toxins from the body, helps to purify & filter the blood which makes it helpful for increasing blood circulation. By eliminating the toxicity from the body, it also helps arise anti-oxidant levels in the body which leads to a healthy & fit body.

  • Treats Fungal Infections: Fungal Infections like Athlete’s Foot, and Nail Fungus can be cured by using this wonderful oil. The anti-inflammation, anti-fungal, and anti oxidants properties help to reduce such infections.

  • Makes skin healthy & glowing: It is a natural remedy that imparts glow &  radiance to the skin. It cleanses the impurities & makes the skin clear. It exfoliates the skin & removes dirt & impurities.  It helps to remove dark spots and prevents blemishes, and acne on the skin. It moisturizes dry skin & Thus, it acts as a natural remedy for treating defective skin.

  • A proven aid to indigestion: Indigestion will lead to stomachache, gas, bloating, Intestinal problems, and Flatulence. All can be cured using this special Oil. It is considered one of the oldest remedies for treating indigestion. The Eugenol Present in it generates Carminative properties in it, which makes it a great aid for treating stomach-related problems.

  • Immunity Booster: It is a wonderful Oil that helps to boost the Immune system of the Human body. The antioxidant properties act as an armor in protecting a body from deadly diseases like Cancer, heart blockage & cardiac arrest.

Clove oil can be used for acne, bruises, burns and cuts, keeping infection at bay and as a pain reliever. It helps with toothache, mouth sores, rheumatism and arthritis.It is beneficial to the digestive system, effective against vomiting, diarrhea, flatulence, spasms and parasites, as well as bad breath.Clove oil is valuable for relieving respiratory problems, like bronchitis, asthma and tuberculosis. The disinfecting property is useful in cases of infectious diseases.

Please note, Kirva Organics India does not recommend CLOVE LEAF OIL be taken internally unless under the supervision of a Medical Doctor certified in clinical Aromatherapy

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