Coriander Seed Oil(Indian)

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Product Code :CRD-RS-EO
Botanical Name :Corriandrum Sativum
Plant Part :Seeds
Country of Origin :India
Blends Well With :Coriander oil blends particularly well with bergamot, cinnamon, ginger, grapefruit white or pink, lemon, neroli and orange essential oils.
Color & Odor :watery viscosity
Method of Extraction :Steam Distillation
Weight & Rate :15 Ml (USD 12)  100 Ml (USD 49)  500 Ml (USD 171)  1 Ltr (USD 280)            
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100% Natural Product
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Coriander seed oil is an essential oil extracted from the seeds of the coriander plant (Coriandrum sativum). Coriander, also known as Coriandrum sativum, is an annual herb that is native to regions of southern Europe, North Africa, and southwestern Asia. It belongs to the Apiaceae plant family which was formerly known as the Umbelliferae family and is famously known as Coriander, cilantro, Chinese parsley, and Dhania. Coriander plants grow best in mild to warm temperatures, require plenty of sunlight, and prefer well-drained, fertile soil that is rich in organic matter. Coriander is typically grown from seeds, which are sown directly into the soil in the spring.

The plants reach maturity in 90 to 120 days, at which point the seeds are harvested. The seeds are harvested when they have turned a brownish-yellow color and are beginning to dry out. Sustainable practices such as crop rotation and organic farming are often used in the cultivation of coriander to ensure that the plants are grown in a way that is environmentally friendly and maintains soil health. Overall, the plantation of coriander for the production of coriander seed oil requires careful attention to soil and climate conditions, planting and harvesting practices, and sustainable farming methods. These factors can all impact the quality and yield of the essential oil produced.

The essential oil is extracted from the seeds through steam distillation. The seeds are cleaned and dried before being processed to remove the oil. The yield of coriander seed oil varies depending on factors such as the quality of the seeds and the extraction method used. The seeds are heated to produce steam, which carries the oil out of the seeds and into a collection vessel. The resulting oil is then separated from any remaining water. On average, one hectare of coriander plants can yield between 50 and 150 kilograms of seeds, which can produce between 0.2% and 2.0% of essential oil. Coriander seed oil is a pale yellow to brownish-yellow liquid with a warm, spicy, and slightly sweet aroma. Coriander seed oil contains a variety of chemical constituents, including linalool, alpha-pinene, gamma-terpinene, geraniol, camphor, and borneol.

This oil is also rich in essential fatty acids, including linoleic acid, oleic acid, and palmitic acid. These fatty acids are important for maintaining healthy skin, hair, and nails, and may also have other health benefits. It is a good source of vitamin C, which is an important antioxidant that helps protect cells from damage. It also contains small amounts of other vitamins, including vitamin E and vitamin K. Coriander seed oil is a good source of minerals, including calcium, iron, and magnesium. These minerals are important for maintaining healthy bones, muscles, and other tissues. Coriander seed oil also contains a variety of other compounds, including terpenes, phenols, and flavonoids. Some of these compounds may have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, or antimicrobial properties. While coriander seed oil is rich in essential nutrients, it is typically consumed in small amounts as a flavoring agent or used topically in skincare products. Coriander seed oil is commonly used as a flavoring agent in food and beverages.

It has a warm, spicy, and slightly sweet flavor that is reminiscent of the coriander plant. In traditional medicine, the coriander seed oil is believed to have anti-inflammatory, anti-spasmodic, and antibacterial properties. It is used to treat a variety of conditions, including digestive problems, arthritis, and respiratory infections. Coriander seed oil is also used in cosmetics and fragrances and is known to have a calming and soothing effect on the skin, making it a popular ingredient in skincare products.However, The history of coriander seed oil dates back to ancient times. Coriander was used in ancient Egypt for medicinal and culinary purposes. The seeds were found in the tombs of pharaohs, and the plant was believed to have healing properties. In Ayurvedic medicine, coriander is known as dhanyaka and is used to treat a variety of ailments, including digestive problems, fever, and arthritis.

The ancient Greeks and Romans used coriander for culinary purposes and also believed it had medicinal properties. The famous Greek physician Hippocrates prescribed coriander for its digestive benefits. During the Middle Ages, coriander was used to treat a variety of ailments, including headaches, nausea, and digestive issues In traditional Chinese medicine, coriander is used to treat digestive disorders and to help relieve pain. Today, coriander seed oil is widely used in the food industry as a flavoring agent and is also used in cosmetics and fragrances. In addition, it is still used in traditional medicine for a variety of purposes. Overall, coriander seed oil has a long and rich history of use in various cultures around the world. Its popularity continues today, and it is valued for its unique flavor and potential health benefits.


  • Food and Beverages Industry: This oil is widely used as a flavoring agent in the food and beverage industry, particularly in baked goods, confectionery, meat products, and beverages. It adds a spicy, woody flavor to food products.

  • Perfumery & Fragrance Industry: Its sweet and spicy aroma makes it a popular ingredient in perfumes, colognes, and other fragrances.

  • Personal care Industry: This oil is used in various cosmetic products such as creams, lotions, soaps, and hair care products due to its anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties.

  • Pharmaceutical Industry: The oil has been used in traditional medicine for its anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and antimicrobial properties. It is used in various pharmaceutical products, such as ointments and creams.

  • Paint Industry: It is used in the paint industry as a solvent due to its low toxicity and high boiling point.

  • Soap & Detergents Industry: Due to its antimicrobial properties, it is used in various cleaning products such as soaps and detergents.

  • Aromatherapy Industry: This oil is used in aromatherapy as a natural remedy for stress, anxiety, and insomnia. It is also used to improve mental clarity and focus.

  • Health and Wellness Industry: It is used in the health and wellness industry as a dietary supplement. It is believed to have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antimicrobial properties.

  • Agro Chemicals Industry: It is used in the agriculture industry as a natural insect repellent. It is sprayed on crops to repel insects and pests without harming the plants.


  • Use it as a Face Moisturizer: As mentioned before, it has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, which makes it a potentially useful addition to your skincare routine. You can mix a few drops of coriander seed oil with a carrier oil, such as almond or jojoba oil, and apply it to your skin to help moisturize and soothe any inflammation or irritation.

  • Use it for Relaxation treatment: Give yourself a relaxation treatment after a tiring day. This oil has a calming effect, which makes it a potentially useful addition to your relaxation routine. You can add a drop of coriander seed oil to a diffuser or inhale it directly from the bottle to help promote relaxation and reduce stress. You can also mix this oil with other essential oils, such as lavender and peppermint, to create a refreshing and calming aroma for your diffuser.

  • Add this oil to your Hair care: Use this oil for your regular hair care. No need for so much effort, You just need to mix this oil in your regular hair care products. Mix a few drops of coriander seed oil with your shampoo or conditioner which will help to promote healthy hair growth and adds shine to your hair. It can also be added to hair masks which improves the overall health of the hair.

  • A must-have for Dental Hygiene: It has antibacterial properties, which makes it a potentially useful addition to your oral care routine. You can add a drop or two of coriander seed oil to your toothpaste or mouthwash to help promote healthy teeth and gums.

  • Make an Immunity boosting smoothie at home: This oil may help support your immune system. You could add a drop of coriander seed oil to a glass of water or a smoothie to help promote overall health and well-being.

  • Use it as a Massage oil: Pamper yourself up by giving a soothing massage with our super beneficial Coriander seed oil. This oil, when mixed with carrier oil, can be used for massage. When Massaged on the body, It imparts a luxurious, comforting & cozy effect on the body. It is thought to help ease muscle tension and promote relaxation.

  • Make a Room Freshener at home: It can be used as a natural room fragrance to promote a calming and soothing atmosphere. Make a natural room spray by mixing coriander seed oil with distilled water and a small amount of vodka or rubbing alcohol. This spray in the room helps to create a refreshing and natural room spray.


  • Aids Digestion: This oil can help support digestive health by stimulating the production of digestive enzymes and reducing inflammation in the digestive tract. This can lead to better digestion, reduced bloating, and improved bowel movements.

  • Works best on microbial Infections: This oil proves to be an effective medication for treating several microbial infections Antimicrobial Properties: Coriander seed oil has antimicrobial properties that can help fight off harmful bacteria and fungi.

  • Instant Pain reliever: It has analgesic properties that can help alleviate pain, including headaches, muscle pain, and toothaches.

  • Imparts Anti-inflammatory Effects: This oil has anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce inflammation in the body, making it beneficial for conditions such as arthritis and allergies.

  • Slows down the sign of aging: It has antioxidant properties that can help protect the skin from damage and premature aging. It can also help soothe and moisturize dry, irritated skin.

  • Protects one’s mental health: It has a calming and uplifting effect on the mind and can help reduce anxiety and stress.

  • Make the respiration clear: This oil can help support respiratory health by reducing inflammation in the respiratory tract and helping to clear mucus and congestion.

  • Strong & Healthy Hair: Pollution, dirt, and bacteria may damage your hair but this oil comes up with a solution to various hair problems. It treats hair problems and helps to promote healthy hair growth, reduce hair loss, and add shine and luster to the hair.

Coriander oil can be useful to refresh and to uplift the mind. It can help for mental fatigue, migraine, tension and nervous weakness. It has a warming effect on the stomach and relieve wind and cramps, while revitalizing the glandular system.

The Egyptians used Coriander seeds as an aphrodisiac. The Romans and Greeks used the seeds to flavour their wines, and in India the seeds are used in their cooking. Coriander seeds were even found in the tomb of Tutankhamun. The Carmelite order in France used Coriander seeds to flavour their 17th century toilet water and it is still used in Chartreuse and Benedictine liqueurs.

No contra-indications are known, but the oil can have a stupefying effect when used in very large doses.

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