Eucalyptus Oil

  • 10 Review(s)
Product Code :EUPT-RS-EO
Botanical Name :Eucalyptus Globulus
Plant Part :Wood And Leaves
Country of Origin :India
Blends Well With :pale yellow in color and watery in viscosity
Color & Odor :watery in viscosity
Method of Extraction :Steam Distillation
Weight & Rate :15 Ml (USD 6.75)  100 Ml (USD 12)  500 Ml (USD 21.5)  1 Ltr (USD 35.75)            
  • 6.75
100% Natural Product
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Eucalyptus oil is derived from the leaves of the eucalyptus tree, which is native to Australia but has been widely planted in many other parts of the world, including Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Americas. The eucalyptus tree belongs to the genus Eucalyptus, which includes more than 700 species. The most common species used for the production of eucalyptus oil is Eucalyptus globulus, also known as the Tasmanian blue gum. Eucalyptus trees are tall evergreen trees with smooth, white, or gray bark that sheds in long strips. The leaves are narrow, lance-shaped, and blue-green in color, and they contain oil glands that produce the essential oil. These trees require a warm climate with plenty of sunshine and well-drained soil.

They are adapted to a wide range of soil types, including sandy and rocky soils, but they grow best in fertile, loamy soils. Eucalyptus trees are typically planted as seedlings or young saplings, either in nursery beds or directly in the field. They are fast-growing trees that can reach a height of 30 meters or more within a few years. These trees require regular maintenance, including watering, fertilizing, and pruning. They also need to be protected from pests and diseases, which can affect their growth and oil production. Eucalyptus leaves are harvested when the trees are mature, which usually takes about 3-4 years. The leaves are then dried before processing to extract the oil. Eucalyptus trees are known for their rapid growth and high yield of oil, but their plantation can have both positive and negative impacts on the environment.

Sustainable eucalyptus plantations should be established in areas that do not compete with food crops, natural habitats, or water resources, and should be managed using best practices to minimize their impact on biodiversity, soil erosion, and greenhouse gas emissions.The Eucalyptus oil is extracted by steam distillation of the fresh or partially dried leaves and twigs of the eucalyptus tree. It is a colorless or pale yellow liquid with a strong, fresh, and camphoraceous aroma. It is commonly used as an ingredient in various pharmaceutical, cosmetic, and industrial products. It is also used in aromatherapy due to its strong, fresh, and camphorous scent, which will help to promote relaxation, ease respiratory issues, and reduce stress. Additionally, eucalyptus oil is often used as a natural insect repellent and a household cleaner due to its antiseptic and antimicrobial properties.

It is a natural decongestant and can help to clear the sinuses and relieve symptoms of respiratory conditions such as colds, flu, bronchitis, and asthma. This oil offers several health benefits and it is not typically consumed as a food, and therefore does not have a nutritional value in the traditional sense. However, eucalyptus oil does contain a variety of compounds that can provide health benefits when used appropriately. Some of the key components of eucalyptus oil include Eucalyptol (also known as 1,8-cineole), which is the main active ingredient in eucalyptus oil and is responsible for many of its therapeutic effects. It has anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and antiseptic properties, Alpha-pinene, which has a fresh, woody aroma and is known for its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, and Limonene, the citrus-scented compound that has antifungal and anti-inflammatory properties.

Terpinen-4-ol, a compound that has strong antimicrobial properties and is often found in tea tree oil, and Globulol, which has a sweet, floral scent and is known for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. While eucalyptus oil is not a source of calories, vitamins, or minerals, its active compounds can provide a range of health benefits when used appropriately.The history of eucalyptus oil dates back to ancient times when it was used by Indigenous Australians for medicinal purposes. The eucalyptus tree is native to Australia and was introduced to other parts of the world by early European settlers. In the 19th century, eucalyptus oil was first distilled in large quantities in Australia, and its medicinal properties became widely recognized.

During World War I, eucalyptus oil was used as a disinfectant and antiseptic for treating wounds and respiratory infections in soldiers. It was also used as a decongestant and expectorant to relieve symptoms of colds and flu. In the early 20th century, eucalyptus oil was also used in the production of menthol and cough drops. It was also used in the perfume industry as a fragrance ingredient. Today, eucalyptus oil is still used for its medicinal properties, including as a natural remedy for coughs, colds, and respiratory infections, and has wide applications in several areas.


  • Cleaners manufacturing Industry: This oil is a natural disinfectant and can be used in cleaning products for its antiseptic properties. It is commonly found in floor cleaners, toilet cleaners, and window cleaners.

  • Pharmaceuticals Industry: It has medicinal properties and is used in pharmaceuticals for its analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and decongestant effects. It is commonly found in cough drops, cold and flu medications, and pain-relieving ointments.

  • Industrial solvent manufacturing Industry: This oil can be used as a solvent in industrial applications such as cleaning machinery and removing grease and grime from equipment.

  • Food Industry: It is used as a flavoring agent in food products such as candies, chewing gum, and baked goods.

  • Perfumery Industry: This oil has a fresh, invigorating scent and is used in perfumes, deodorants, air fresheners, and many other products. It can also be found in air fresheners and other household products to mask unpleasant odors.

  • Cosmetics & Skin Care Industry: This oil is commonly used in cosmetics & skincare products for its cleansing, purifying, and soothing properties. It can be found in facial cleansers, toners, and masks.

  • Spa and wellness Industry: It is used in spas and wellness centers for its therapeutic properties. It can be used in saunas, steam rooms, and hot tubs to promote relaxation and ease respiratory issues.

  • Insect repellent manufacturing Industry: Many businesses in the insect repellent industry use eucalyptus oil in their products as a natural alternative to chemical insecticides. It can be found in mosquito repellent products and can repel other insects such as flies, ants, and cockroaches.


  • Use it in cleaning and disinfecting: This oil has natural disinfectant properties that make it a great alternative to chemical cleaning products. Mix a few drops of this oil with water and use it to clean and disinfect surfaces around the home. You can also try Eucalyptus and lemon all-purpose cleaner; To make it mix water, vinegar, and eucalyptus oil in a spray bottle. Use it while mopping the floor and wiping the windows and other household items.

  • Use it to repel the Insects: It can be used as a natural insect repellent to keep mosquitoes, flies, and other insects away. Mix a few drops with water and spray it on the skin to protect from insect bites, Moreover, you can also spray this in all four corners of the house to prevent the entrance of insects & bugs.

  • Try DIY Eucalyptus linen spray: To create a refreshing essence on all the fabrics you are using, you can try Eucalyptus linen spray on them. To make it, mix water, witch hazel, and eucalyptus oil in a spray bottle. Spray on sheets, blankets, and pillows before bed for a relaxing and refreshing scent.

  • Use it to relieve cold and flu symptoms: This oil can help to relieve congestion and coughs associated with cold and flu symptoms. Simply add a few drops to a diffuser or inhale directly from the bottle. It can help to promote respiratory health by reducing congestion and coughs.

  • Use it to soothe sore muscles: It can help soothe sore muscles when applied topically. Mix a few drops with a carrier oil like coconut or almond oil and massage onto sore muscles.

  • Try Eucalyptus and peppermint Headache balm: Suffering from a severe headache? Stress, Tension, and Anxiety might be the reason for it. To get rid of this pain use this oil and make a balm out of it. Mix coconut oil, beeswax, eucalyptus oil, peppermint oil, and lavender oil in a double boiler. Pour into a small container and let cool. Apply to temples and forehead to help relieve headaches.

  • Use it for your dental care: This oil can be used to promote dental health by freshening breath and preventing cavities. Add a drop to a glass of water and use it as a mouthwash.

  • Have Aromatherapies at home: It has a fresh, invigorating scent that can be used to have aromatherapies at home. To get such treatments, add a few drops to a diffuser or inhale directly from the bottle and reduce stress. It will help to provide relaxation, reduces stress, and uplift mood.

  • Eucalyptus shower steamers: Mix baking soda, citric acid, and cornstarch, then add a few drops of eucalyptus oil and water to make a paste. Press the paste into molds and let dry for a few hours. Once dry, place one in the bottom of your shower to release the eucalyptus scent while you shower.

  • Grow your hair longer: This oil protects the scalp. It reduces itching, and irritation & provides nourishment to the skin. This oil can be added to your regular hair care products which help to promote healthy hair growth and prevent dandruff. Mix a few drops with your shampoo and massage it into the scalp.

  • Exfoliate with Eucalyptus and Lavender body scrub: Exfoliate your skin by scrubbing it with Eucalyptus and Lavender scrub. To make this body scrub, mix granulated sugar, coconut oil, eucalyptus oil, and lavender oil to make a body scrub. Use in the shower to exfoliate and refresh your skin.

  • Get Facial steam: To get Facial steam, add a few drops of eucalyptus oil and tea tree oil to a bowl of hot water. Lean over the bowl with a towel over your head to create a steam tent. Breathe deeply to help clear sinuses and unclog pores.


  • Improves respiratory health: This oil can help promote respiratory health by reducing congestion and coughs. It has natural decongestant and expectorant properties that can help clear sinuses and improve breathing.

  • Makes your Joints & Muscles stronger: It can help relieve pain when applied topically. It has natural analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties that can help soothe sore muscles and joints.

  • Clear outs the acnes: This oil can be used to promote healthy skin by reducing inflammation and fighting bacteria. It has natural antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that can help prevent and treat acne and other skin conditions.

  • Prevents Tooth decay: This oil can be used to promote dental health by freshening breath and preventing cavities. It has natural antimicrobial properties that can help kill bacteria and prevent the growth of harmful microorganisms in the mouth. It helps to freshen your breath and promote dental health by killing harmful bacteria in the mouth.

  • Makes one more focused: It can help promote mental clarity and improve concentration. It has a fresh, invigorating scent that can help stimulate the senses and improve focus.

Eucalyptus oil has a cooling and deodorizing effect on the body, helping with fevers, migraine and malaria. For the respiratory tract, it helps with coughs, asthma, throat infections, sinusitis and catarrhal conditions. It soothes inflammation and eases mucus, clearing the head from the stuffiness of colds and hay fever.

Eucalyptus essential oil has long been used in homes in Australia. In Spain, the timber of Eucalyptus was used in construction.

Eucalyptus should be used in dilution, and avoided during pregnancy

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