Mandarin Oil

  • 10 Review(s)
Product Code :MND-RS-EO
Botanical Name :Citrus Reticulata
Plant Part :Fruit Peel
Country of Origin :India
Blends Well With :Other citrus oils such as Lime, Orange, Lemon, and Grapefruit, as well as spice oils such as Nutmeg, Bay and Clove Bud
Color & Odor :Characteristic lemon rind odor
Method of Extraction :Steam Distillation
Weight & Rate :15 Ml (USD 6.75)  100 Ml (USD 13.75)  500 Ml (USD 24.75)  1 Ltr (USD 41.25)            
  • 6.75
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Mandarin oil is a type of essential oil that is derived from the peel of the fruit of the mandarin orange scientifically known as Citrus reticulate. It is a small evergreen tree that is native to China, and other parts of Southeast Asia and is now widely cultivated in many parts of the world, including Italy, Spain, Brazil, and the United States. The tree belongs to the Rutaceae family and typically reaches a height of 6-10 feet (2-3 meters). It has shiny, dark green leaves and fragrant white flowers. The fruit of the mandarin orange is small and round, typically measuring 2-3 inches (5-7.5 cm) in diameter. It has thin, easily-peeled skin that is deep orange in color and sweet, juicy flesh that is divided into segments.

The Mandarin orange trees grow best in warm, subtropical climates, and require well-draining soil and ample sunlight. They are typically propagated through grafting or budding, as the seedlings may not produce fruit with the same desirable qualities as the parent tree. The Mandarin orange trees are generally considered to be low-maintenance and easy to grow, making them a popular choice for home gardeners and commercial growers alike. The fruit is harvested in the late fall or winter when it is fully ripe and has developed its characteristic sweet, citrusy flavor. Mandarin oil is typically extracted through cold pressing or steam distillation of the mandarin orange peel.

The peel is carefully harvested and the oil is extracted using specialized equipment. The oil has a sweet, citrusy aroma that is known for its calming and uplifting effects on the mind and body. The oil is rich in compounds such as limonene, gamma-terpinene, alpha-pinene, and beta-pinene, which give it its characteristic aroma and potential therapeutic benefits. The Limonene present in it is a primary component of mandarin oil, making up approximately 70-95% of the oil, and offers antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-cancer properties. Gamma-terpinene has antibacterial, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory properties. Alpha-pinene and beta-pinene offer anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and bronchodilator properties. Citral has antibacterial and antifungal properties. However, the Linalool compound has sedative and anxiolytic properties.

The presence of all these properties helps treat a range of conditions, such as acne, indigestion, and muscle pain. While mandarin oil does not have a significant nutritional value, it is rich in bioactive compounds that may provide health benefits. In aromatherapy, Mandarin oil is often used to promote relaxation, reduce stress and anxiety, and improve mood. The mandarin orange, from which mandarin oil is derived, has a long history of cultivation in China and other parts of Southeast Asia. The fruit was first mentioned in Chinese literature in the 12th century, and it has been an important part of traditional Chinese medicine for centuries. The use of mandarin oil as a therapeutic agent dates back to ancient China, where it was used to treat a range of ailments, including digestive problems, respiratory issues, and skin conditions.

The oil was also used in perfumes and cosmetics. In the 1800s, mandarin oranges were introduced to Europe and the United States, and the demand for mandarin oil grew. By the early 20th century, mandarin oil was being produced on a large scale in Italy and other parts of Europe. During World War II, mandarin oil was used as a flavoring agent in the production of vitamin C supplements, as it was high in nutrients. After the war, mandarin oil became popular in the food and beverage industry, particularly in the production of candies, desserts, and beverages. Today, mandarin oil is widely used in aromatherapy, perfumery, and the food and beverage industry. It continues to be valued for its calming and uplifting effects on the mind and body, as well as its potential therapeutic benefits for a range of conditions.


  • Perfumery and Fragrance Industry: This oil is a popular ingredient in perfumes and fragrances due to its sweet, citrusy aroma.

  • Food and Beverages Industry: It is used as a flavoring agent in a variety of food and beverage products, including candies, desserts, and beverages.

  • Aromatherapy Industry: It is widely used in aromatherapy for its calming and uplifting effects on the mind and body. It is often used in massage oils, diffusers, and other aromatherapy products.

  • Personal Care Industry: This oil is used in a range of cosmetic and personal care products, including soaps, lotions, and shampoos, due to its skin-nourishing properties.

  • Cleaners manufacturing Industry: It is a natural cleaning agent and is often used in household cleaning products, such as surface cleaners and all-purpose cleaners, etc. 

  • Pharmaceuticals Industry: This oil has potential therapeutic properties, such as anti-inflammatory, antifungal, and antibacterial effects, which make it a valuable ingredient in some pharmaceutical products.

  • Paints and Coatings Industry: This oil is sometimes used as a solvent in the production of paints and coatings.


  • Use it for Skincare: Looking for an Acne reliving Product? Then, you can go for this oil besides of buying chemical products. You can add a few drops of mandarin oil to your daily moisturizer or facial oil to nourish and moisturize your skin. The oil's antibacterial properties may also help prevent acne and other skin problems. You can also do body Scrubbing using this oil. To make the natural homemade scrub mix 1 cup of sugar, 1/2 cup of coconut oil, and 10-15 drops of mandarin oil. Use this in the shower for smooth and glowing skin

  • Use it for Hair care: Make your hair smoother, lustrous & dazzling with Mandarin oil. Add a few drops of this oil to your shampoo or conditioner to promote healthy and shiny hair. The oil's antimicrobial properties may also help prevent dandruff and other scalp problems. You can also make a moisturizing Hair Mask by mixing 2 tablespoons of coconut oil, 1 tablespoon of honey, and 5-10 drops of mandarin oil. Apply to your hair, massage it on the scalp, and leave it on for 30 minutes before washing it off. It helps you to get smooth, soft & shiny Hair.

  • Use it in Diffuser: Aroma Diffusers, are the perfect way to make your spaces refreshing to uplift the mood. Just add a few drops of this oil to a diffuser to create a relaxing and uplifting atmosphere in your home or workspace. You can also inhale the aroma directly from the bottle for a quick pick-me-up. This may also help to relieve respiratory problems, such as coughs and colds.

  • Use it to have Massage therapy: Massage therapies are indeed required to promote relaxation and relieve muscle tension. So you can use this oil for massage and to make a perfect massage oil mix 1/2 cup of sweet almond oil, 10-15 drops of mandarin oil, and 5-10 drops of lavender oil together. Use this oil for getting a soothing and rejuvenating massage.

  • Use it in a Hot water Bath: If you are feeling exhaustive, take a Hot Bath using our Mandarin Oil. Add a few drops of this oil to your bathwater for a relaxing and rejuvenating experience. The oil can help relieve stress and promote relaxation. soothes the body and gives a fresh feeling by reducing stress & fatigue.

  • Use it for healthy Digestion: It can be ingested in small amounts to stimulate digestion and relieve digestive problems, such as bloating and constipation. You can make Tea with this oil and you just need to add a drop of mandarin oil to your favorite tea for a refreshing and flavorful twist. Mandarin oil has a sweet and citrusy flavor that pairs well with many teas and makes your digestive system strong.

  • Use it for Household Cleaning: This oil can also be used for cleaning the house; you can make a homemade Surface Cleaner with this oil. You just need to mix 1 cup of water, 1/2 cup of white vinegar, and 10-15 drops of mandarin oil to create a natural and effective surface cleaner. Use it to clean your kitchen and bathroom surfaces. The oil's antimicrobial properties can help kill germs and bacteria.

  • Use it to sanitize your hands: Sanitization of hands is of utmost importance as it kills germs and protects one from getting infected. You can make a homemade Hand sanitizer with this oil. You just need to mix 1/4 cup of aloe vera gel, 1/4 cup of rubbing alcohol, and 10-15 drops of mandarin oil to create a natural and moisturizing hand sanitizer. Use it to clean your hands when soap and water are not available.


  • Reduces Stress and Anxiety: This oil has calming properties that can help reduce stress and anxiety. It can help promote relaxation and improve mood.

  • Promotes Healthy Sleep: It can help promote healthy sleep by relaxing the mind and body. It can also help improve the quality of sleep.

  • Boosts Immune System: It has antimicrobial properties that can help boost the immune system. It can help protect the body from infections and diseases.

  • Promotes Digestive Health: This oil can help improve digestion by stimulating the digestive system. It can also help relieve stomach pain and nausea.

  • Relieves Pain and Inflammation: It has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties that can help relieve pain and inflammation. It can be used to relieve muscle pain, headaches, and other types of pain.

  • An elixir for Skin: It can help improve skin health by reducing acne, promoting collagen production, and improving skin elasticity. It can also help reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

  • Enhances Mood: This oil has a pleasant and uplifting aroma that can help enhance mood and promote positive emotions. It declines negative thoughts and makes the person more relaxed & happy. 

Mandarin Essential Oil is often used as a digestive aid, for use against hiccups, anxiety, and to assist the liver functions of the elderly. Mandarin Essential Oil is also commonly used in soaps, cosmetics, perfumes and men colognes. It also has many applications in the flavoring industry.

The name is said to come from the fact that it was a traditional gift to the mandarins of China. It is native to southern China and the Far East, and was brought to Europe in 1805 and to the USA forty years later.

Please note, Kirva Organics India does not recommend MANDARIAN OIL be taken internally unless under the supervision of a Medical Doctor certified in clinical Aromatherapy

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