Petitgrain Oil

  • 10 Review(s)
Product Code :PTTG-RS-EO
Botanical Name :Citrus Aurantium
Plant Part :Twig Of Bitter Orange
Country of Origin :India
Blends Well With :-
Color & Odor :sweet floral odor
Method of Extraction :Steam Distillation
Weight & Rate :15 Ml (USD 6.75)  100 Ml (USD 13.75)  500 Ml (USD 24.75)  1 Ltr (USD 41.25)            
  • 6.75
100% Natural Product
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Petitgrain oil is an essential oil that is derived from the leaves and twigs of various citrus trees, including bitter orange, lemon, and mandarin. These trees are primarily grown in warm, tropical climates such as the Mediterranean, Asia, and South America. However, the bitter orange tree is the most common source of petitgrain oil. It is a small to medium-sized tree that can grow up to 10 meters tall. The tree has dark green leaves and produces fragrant white flowers that bloom in the spring and summer. The fruit of the bitter orange tree is also used to make marmalade and other preserves. Citrus reticulate, also known as the mandarin tree, is another common source of petitgrain oil.

It is a small tree that grows up to 6 meters tall and has small, glossy green leaves. The tree produces fragrant white flowers in the spring, followed by small, sweet fruits in the fall. The lemon tree also known as Citrus limon, is a popular source of essential oils, including petitgrain oil. It is a small to medium-sized tree that grows up to 6 meters tall and has glossy green leaves. The tree produces fragrant white flowers in the spring, followed by sour, acidic fruit in the summer and fall. All of these citrus trees are typically grown in warm, tropical climates and require plenty of sunshine and water to thrive. These trees are usually propagated from seeds or cuttings and planted in fertile, well-draining soil. To ensure a good yield of high-quality leaves and twigs, citrus trees are regularly pruned. This involves removing any dead or damaged branches, as well as shaping the tree to encourage new growth.

This oil is typically obtained from the leaves and twigs of citrus trees when they are young and green. The leaves and twigs are harvested by hand and immediately taken to the distillery for processing. The process of distillation involves heating the plant material with steam to extract the essential oil. The resulting oil is then separated from the water and other plant material. The oil comes up as a Transparent or clear liquid to Light yellow colored liquid with a fresh, floral, and slightly woody aroma. This oil is named after the French word "petit grain," which means "little grain," because the oil was originally obtained from the small, green unripe fruit of the bitter orange tree. This oil has a range of properties that make it useful for both physical and emotional health. It has antiseptic, anti-spasmodic, sedative, calming, astringent anti-spasmodic, and nervine properties which makes it beneficial for several purposes.

It helps treat several hair & skin-related problems. It is often used in several food & beverages to add an extra flavor to them. However, this oil is not typically used as a source of nutrition, as it is an essential oil that is primarily used for its aromatic and therapeutic properties. Therefore, it does not have a significant nutritional value. Nevertheless, Petitgrain oil is a rich source of several important plant compounds, including linalool, linalyl acetate, and geraniol. These compounds are responsible for many of the oil's health benefits and contribute to its distinct aroma. It is important to note that while petitgrain oil can be beneficial for many people, it should not be used as a replacement for a healthy diet and lifestyle. A balanced diet that includes a variety of nutrient-dense foods is essential for optimal health. The use of Petitgrain oil has a rich history that dates back many centuries and it can be traced back to ancient Egyptian times, where it was used for its fragrant properties and in embalming rituals.

The oil was also used in ancient Greek and Roman cultures. It was used as a perfume, as well as in medicinal preparations for treating a variety of ailments. During the Middle Ages, petitgrain oil was used in Europe as a remedy for nervous disorders, such as hysteria and panic attacks. In the 19th century, petitgrain oil became popular in France as a substitute for the more expensive Neroli oil, which is also derived from the bitter orange tree but is obtained from the flowers instead of the leaves and twigs. In the early 20th century, Petitgrain oil was widely used in perfumes, particularly in men's fragrances. Today, petitgrain oil is still used in perfumes and other fragranced products, as well as in aromatherapy and herbal medicine. Overall, petitgrain oil has a long history of use in various cultures and continues to be valued for its therapeutic properties and pleasing aroma.


  • Perfumery Industry: This oil is widely used in perfumes and other fragranced products due to its fresh, floral, and citrusy scent. It is often used as a top note in perfumes and blends well with other citrus oils, as well as floral and woody oils.

  • Aromatherapy Industry: It is also used in aromatherapy to promote relaxation, reduce stress and anxiety, and improve mood. It is often diffused into the air or added to massage oils or bath products.

  • Food and Beverages Industry: This oil is used as a flavoring agent in some food and beverage products, such as baked goods, desserts, and alcoholic beverages. It has a tangy and slightly bitter taste that pairs well with citrus and floral flavors.

  • Cleaners Manufacturing Industry: It is used in some cleaning products, such as soaps, all-purpose cleaners, floor cleaners, surface cleaners, laundry detergents, disinfectants, etc due to its antimicrobial properties. It is believed to help kill germs and bacteria, making it an effective natural cleaning agent.

  • Personal Care Industry: This oil is used in many personal care products such as lotions, shampoos, soaps, and perfumes for its refreshing scent and natural antiseptic and astringent properties.Pharmaceuticals Industry: Petitgrain oil is used in some medical and pharmaceutical products such as topical ointments and treatments for skin conditions due to its natural antiseptic and healing properties.


  • Use it for your regular Hair Care: This oil works great on the Hair and hence it can be used in regular Haircare. To use it, add a few drops of petitgrain oil to your shampoo or conditioner. You can also try Hair rinse with this oil. Mix water, apple cider vinegar, and a few drops of Petitgrain oil to create a hair rinse. Such treatments will help to balance oily hair and scalp, strengthens the hair & makes them shiny.

  • Use it as a Facial toner: Toning, is the second utmost part of CTM and you can make the Face Toner at home by using this oil. To make it, mix equal parts of witch hazel and rose water with a few drops of petitgrain oil. Using this Toner can help to balance the oils on the skin and reduce the appearance of blemishes.

  • Use it as a natural deodorant: Due to its antioxidant & and bacterial properties, this oil can be used as a Natural deodorant. It helps in reducing excessive sweating and to control body odor. Mix baking soda, cornstarch, coconut oil, and a few drops of petitgrain oil to create a natural deodorant that can help control body odor.

  • Use it in Hot Water Bath: Have a spa-like an experience at home. Adding a few drops of this oil to the bath water will make your bathing experience phenomenal. You can also create a relaxing and detoxifying bath salt using this oil. To make it, mix Epsom salt, baking soda, and a few drops of petitgrain oil. Add this to the Bathwater, mix it properly, dip it into the warm water, and feel the warmth. This bath soothes the body and relaxes the mind, body & soul.

  • Use it to do massage: Have a Pain relieving massage using this oil. Mix a carrier oil, such as jojoba or coconut oil, with a few drops of petitgrain oil to create a massage oil that can help reduce muscle tension and promote relaxation. 

  • Use it as a Natural cleaning agent: This oil can be used in natural cleaning products to purify the air and eliminate odors. Add a few drops of petitgrain oil to a spray bottle with water and white vinegar to create a natural cleaning solution for surfaces and floors. This can help to clean the areas, purify the air and eliminate odors.

  • Use it to deodorize the Air: This oil has a fresh, floral scent that makes it effective in deodorizing and purifying the air. It can be used to make Room spray or can be diffused in the room to eliminate odors. To make the Room spray, mix water and a few drops of petitgrain oil in a spray bottle. Spray this mixture to create a refreshing and clean environment. 


  • This oil has antiseptic and astringent properties that can help balance oily skin, reduce the appearance of blemishes, and improve skin texture.

  • It has a calming effect on the mind and body, which can help to reduce stress, and anxiety, and promote relaxation.

  • It can help to improve the mood and uplift the spirits, making it a great choice for aromatherapy and mood-boosting blends.

  • It has expectorant properties that can help relieve respiratory congestion and improve breathing.

  • This oil can help balance oily hair and scalp and improve hair strength and shine.

  • It is a natural astringent, which means it can help tighten and tone the skin. It is also useful for treating acne and other skin infections.

  • This oil can help stimulate the digestive system, relieving indigestion, bloating, and other digestive issues.

  • It has expectorant properties, which help in clearing congestion and relieving cough and cold.

  • It can help to boost the immune system and prevent infections as it has antimicrobial properties.

  • It contains antioxidants that can help protect the body against free radicals, which can damage cells and contribute to disease.

  • This oil can help relieve pain and inflammation, making it useful for conditions such as arthritis and muscle aches.

Petit Grain oil is mainly used in perfume industry because of its unique, refreshing and energizing fragrance. It is also used in many cosmetic products for the same • This oil is antispasmodic and hence can be used in coughs, abdominal and muscular cramps, congestion, intestinal pulls, convulsions • The aroma of Petit Grain Oil oil is very soothing and acts as anti depressant. It uplifts moods and overcomes the problems like anxiety, stress and • Petit Grain oil is very good for skin as well. It shows positive results on acne prone skin, abnormal sweating, ring worm, dryness and

Please note, Kirva Organics India does not recommend PETITGRAIN OIL be taken internally unless under the supervision of a Medical Doctor certified in clinical Aromatherapy

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