Wintergreen Oil

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Product Code :-
Botanical Name :Gaultheria Procumbens
Plant Part :Leaves
Country of Origin :India
Blends Well With :Ylang-ylang, Peppermint, Marjoram, Lavender, Birch Sweet and Vanilla
Color & Odor :Strongly floral, sweet
Method of Extraction :Steam Distillation
Weight & Rate :15 Ml (USD 6.75)  100 Ml (USD 16.5)  500 Ml (USD 30)  1 Ltr (USD 49.5)            
  • 6.75
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Wintergreen oil is an essential oil that is extracted from the leaves of the wintergreen plant, which is also known as Gaultheria procumbens. The plant is native to North America and grows in the eastern United States and Canada. It is a slow-growing creeping shrub that belongs to the Ericaceae family. The plant has glossy, dark green leaves that are leathery in texture and oval in shape. It has small, white or pink flowers that bloom in the summer. The plant produces red, edible berries that are sweet and flavorful. The leaves of the wintergreen plant are the primary source of this oil and these leaves contain high levels of methyl salicylate, which is the active ingredient responsible for the oil's therapeutic properties.

The plants are typically propagated through seed, although they can also be propagated through cuttings or division. The plants prefer acidic, well-draining soil and partial shade, and are often found growing in forests or other shaded areas. They are typically grown in high-altitude regions with cooler temperatures, which provide optimal growing conditions for wintergreen. To extract the oil, the leaves are harvested in the fall, after the plant has produced its berries and these leaves are harvested using sustainable practices to ensure the long-term health and productivity of the plantations. To extract the oil, the leaves are steam distilled, a process that involves heating the leaves with steam to release the volatile oils, which are then collected and concentrated.

It is a pale yellow or pinkish liquid with a strong, minty, and refreshing aroma. The main active ingredient in this oil is methyl salicylate, which is also found in aspirin. Methyl salicylate is responsible for the oil's characteristic minty scent and its medicinal properties. However, it also contains other compounds such as alpha-pinene, myrcene, limonene, and delta-3-care. This oil has been used for medicinal purposes for centuries, particularly as a pain reliever and anti-inflammatory and it is still being used topically to treat muscle and joint pain, as well as headaches, menstrual cramps, and toothaches. It is also used as a flavouring agent in some foods and as a fragrance in personal care products.

However, it is not typically consumed for its nutritional value as it is an essential oil, meaning it is highly concentrated and typically used in small amounts for therapeutic or aromatic purposes. It does not contain significant amounts of nutrients such as carbohydrates, proteins, or fats. The compound methyl salicylate offers analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties that may provide several health benefits when used in appropriate doses and under the guidance of a healthcare professional. To get the potential therapeutic benefits, it should always be used as directed and in moderation. This oil has a long history of use in traditional medicine by various cultures around the world. The plant itself, Gaultheria procumbens, has been used for medicinal purposes by Native American tribes for centuries. The leaves were brewed into a tea to treat a variety of ailments including fever, headache, and rheumatism.

The use of this oil specifically can be traced back to the 18th century, when European settlers in North America began to recognize its medicinal properties. The oil was extracted from the leaves using steam distillation and was used topically to treat pain, inflammation, and spasms. It was also used as a flavouring agent in foods and beverages, particularly in the production of wintergreen-flavoured gum and candy. In the 19th century, it became more widely recognized for its medicinal properties, particularly as a natural pain reliever. It was used to treat conditions such as arthritis, neuralgia, and headaches. The oil was also used in the production of liniments and ointments, which were applied topically to treat pain and inflammation. Today, it continued to be used for its therapeutic properties, particularly in the field of natural medicine. It is commonly used in aromatherapy and massage therapy to promote relaxation and relieve pain and is also used in the production of personal care products such as toothpaste and mouthwash.


  • Food and Beverages Industry: Wintergreen oil is commonly used as a flavouring agent in food and beverages, particularly in the production of wintergreen-flavoured candy, gum, and soft drinks.

  • Aromatherapy Industry: This oil is commonly used in aromatherapy to promote relaxation and relieve stress. It is often diffused into the air or added to massage oils.

  • Dental Care Industry: It is often used in the production of dental care products, such as toothpaste and mouthwash, owing to its refreshing flavour and natural antimicrobial properties.

  • Industrial cleaners manufacturing Industry: This is used as a natural cleaning agent, owing to its antimicrobial properties. It is often added to natural cleaning solutions to clean and disinfect surfaces.

  • Insect repellent manufacturing Industry: It is used as a natural insect repellent, owing to its strong aroma. It is often added to natural insect repellent products to keep mosquitoes and other insects at bay.

  • Skincare Industry: This oil is used in various skin care products, including creams, lotions, and soaps, for its antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. It is also believed to have astringent properties that can help tighten the skin.

  • Pharmaceutical Industry: It is used as an active ingredient in topical pain relief products, such as creams, balms, and liniments. It is also used in the production of cough syrups and other cold and flu remedies.

  • Veterinary Industry: This oil is used in the production of pet care products, such as shampoos and flea repellents.


  • Use it to for Sore Muscles: If you have a physically demanding job or work out regularly, apply diluted wintergreen oil to sore muscles to alleviate pain and reduce inflammation. Massage this oil thoroughly on the affected part to get relived from soreness & stiffness. Moreover, you can also create a Muscles Rub using this oil. Combine it with carrier oil, such as coconut oil or sweet almond oil, and beeswax to create a natural muscle rub. This rub helps to alleviate muscle pain and soreness. However, its anti-inflammatory properties can help to reduce swelling and inflammation, while its analgesic properties can help to reduce pain.

  • Use it to get a therapeutic experience: It is often used in aromatherapy to promote relaxation, reduce stress, and improve mood. It can be added to a diffuser or used in massage therapy, to help promote relaxation and relieve tension. Adding it to a diffuser can be a great way to start your day on a calm note. Moreover, you can also create an Aromatherapy Rollerball with this oil. To create it, combine this oil with other essential oils, such as lavender and peppermint. Add this blend to a roller ball bottle and use it for a quick and easy way to inhale the aroma.

  • Use it to alleviate Headaches: It is a natural pain reliever that can help to alleviate discomfort and pain. Thus, this oil can be used for Headache and you can make a Headache Relief Balm using this oil. To make it, combine it with carrier oil and beeswax and apply this balm to the temples and forehead to alleviate the headache.

  • Use it to maintain Oral hygiene: To protect oral hygiene or dental health, use this oil as it can help to kill the bacteria in the mouth and prevent tooth decay. Add a few drops of it to your regular toothpaste or mouthwash to promote oral health. You can also create DIY Toothpaste & Mouthwash. Combine it with baking soda and coconut oil to create a natural toothpaste. Brush daily using this oil helps to prevent tooth decay. To use it as a Mouthwash, add a few drops to a cup of warm water and swish it in the mouth for 30 seconds.

  • Use it to take care of your Skin: This oil can be added to your regular skin care products to help improve the appearance of the skin. Adding this oil to routine skin care can prevent the formation of acne, and pimple and thus improves the overall health of the skin. If you have any scar you can directly apply this oil to the affected area after diluting it in a carrier oil. You can also do body scrubbing using this oil. Mix it with sugar and coconut oil to create a natural body scrub. This can be used to exfoliate the skin and promote circulation.

  • Ease respiration by taking steam: It can help to clear mucus and congestion, which makes it a useful remedy for conditions such as colds, flu, and bronchitis. This oil can be used for inhalation therapy to help alleviate respiratory issues. Add a few drops of this oil to a bowl of hot water and inhale the steam.

  • Use it for Cleaning: This oil can be used for cleaning the floor, surfaces and equipment at home or workplaces. You can make a natural cleaning solution using this oil. To make it, combine this oil with water and vinegar such as vinegar and water to clean and disinfect surfaces. This oil has antiseptic properties that can help to kill the bacteria and viruses spread in the areas. 


  • Imparts a youthful glow: This oil has astringent properties, which means it can help tighten and tone the skin. Using it regularly helps to promote healthy skin and imparts a youthful glow to it. 

  • Aids digestion: It has carminative properties, which means it can help relieve digestive issues such as bloating and gas. Treating all digestive issues, it makes the stomach happy & relaxed.

  • Reduces inflammation & pain: The anti-inflammatory properties of this oil make, it useful for treating conditions such as gout, rheumatism, and osteoarthritis. It can reduce swelling, inflammation, and joint pain caused due to these issues. 

  • An Elixir for Skin: It is a natural astringent that cleanses the skin& helps the acne to clean out completely. It can help to reduce the appearance of scars, acne, marks and fine lines. It clears the complexion and makes the glowing & soft

  • Protects Respiratory tract: It has expectorant properties, which means it can help clear the respiratory tract. It is often used to alleviate respiratory conditions such as asthma and bronchitis.

  • Fights microbial infections: This oil has antimicrobial properties that make it effective against certain types of bacteria and fungi. It can be used to treat conditions such as athlete's foot, ringworm, and other fungal infections.

  • Protect Oral Health: It has antiseptic properties, which means it can help kill bacteria in the mouth. It is often used to promote oral health and prevent tooth decay.

Wintergreen Essential Oil has a history of use as a pain reliever. It is also believed to increase the speed of healing for skin disorders, and when added to lotions, acts as a natural moisturizer.

Please note, Kirva Organics India does not recommend WINTERGREEN OIL be taken internally unless under the supervision of a Medical Doctor certified in clinical Aromatherapy

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